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More Than Meditating: Less Obvious Ways to Get Your Zen On!

Meditating is one of those things that so many of us think we cannot do. It requires us to sit down, cross our legs, and think of nothing. So many people just don’t have the headspace to accomplish this, but if you’re looking for alternatives to meditating because you want to get those benefits, there are many different options out there. Let’s show you some less obvious methods to meditate.

A Calming Sport

Whether you like fishing or hunting, there’s no denying the moments of stillness that occur before you land a catch or an animal enters your line of sight is a very meditative and contemplative practice. A lot of people now take part in practices like hog hunting in a more controlled environment, and with plenty of providers such as to get you started, if you are someone who likes the idea of hunting or fishing, it helps you separate from your normal life, enjoy the silence, and can be a mental palate cleanser. This is exactly what people sitting cross-legged in a corner are aiming to achieve!

Working Out

Arnold Schwarzenegger has talked about working out as a form of meditation, and lots of people use exercising as the opportunity to process things that have happened to them in life. We have to remember that meditating is, literally, the process of working through thoughts, feelings, or emotions that are hanging on to you. A lot of people find a mental weight has been lifted after they lift weights, but what’s the best way to do it? You can get started by doing whatever you want to focus on, but there are a few simple guides out there that can also help. The website Pop Sugar shows you how to make working out more meditative in practice so you can become more Zen.


You might not think of doing housework as a form of meditation, but folding the laundry can be a repetitive practice that puts you into a different headspace. It is a simple skill that can help you relax and is an approach you can apply to other parts of your housework, such as vacuuming or cooking. You can turn almost any activity into a meditative practice just by slowing down and listening to your senses.

Just Closing Your Eyes

It sounds almost too simple, but having the opportunity to relax in an outdoor space gives you a feeling of meditating. A lot of people think that meditating is about having to completely switch off their minds. A lot of people struggle to meditate properly and the simplest meditation tools involve focusing on your breath. When you start to shut off your senses from the outside world and avoid looking at your phone, closing your eyes, and just listening to silence, this is exactly the same as meditating. 

So many people don’t think about meditating as being an accessible tool but as you can see, there are a number of different methods out there.

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