Asleep in the Bread Isle.

Asher Roth
Album Release Party (Asleep in the Bread Isle)
Hotel Rivington, L.E.S NYC
April 21, 2009

CONGRATS Asher! I Love College too! Sometimes I even go Lark on my Go Kart!

This Pennsylvania born artist is taking the airwaves by storm. I like his music cause he sticks to what he knows and he continues to be who he is. Asher is unique in the fact that he is not really following any other rapper. People may say Eminem, but I don’t see it. While steadily growing in the music industry, Asher took a step into the fashion world. He recently partnerd with UNDRCRWN to create “I Love College” t-shirts, inspired by “Animal House” the movie.

2 thoughts on “Asleep in the Bread Isle.

  1. I love this post! I can’t wait to get his album…the song he did with chester french is the biz! =) nice story!

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