Photo by ready made

Essential Steps To Sustainable Living

Many people are becoming aware that daily decisions can impact the environment, the climate, and wildlife. With the ongoing concerns over climate change, it is essential to make changes that will reduce your environmental footprint and help make the world safer for present and future generations. There are many changes which you can start making to live more sustainably? Below are four actionable choices to make a significant impact.

Drive green 

Drive green
Photo by Erik Mclean

Improving how you drive can help you reduce your carbon impact significantly and contribute to a greener future. Whenever practical, walk, cycle, carpool, or take public transit. Combine errands to reduce the number of journeys. You can also participate in or arrange car-free weekends in your area. Keeping your vehicle in good working order with monthly tune-ups is also critical. Tune-ups may enhance fuel economy by 4% to 40%; if there’s a collective effort, gas consumption will fall by 2% countrywide. 

Live plastic-free 

Plastics will never disappear; millions may be found in over 40% of the world’s ocean surfaces. Countless seals, sea turtles, seabirds, and other marine creatures are killed yearly after consuming or becoming entangled in plastic. You can begin reducing your plastic waste by taking a few simple steps. When shopping, use reusable bags, avoid water bottles, straws, bags that are only used once, and anything produced from or wrapped in plastic whenever feasible. It would also help if you choose unwrapped veggies at the supermarket, shop locally, and limit internet shopping. 

Choose the right accommodation type

Choosing the right accommodation type can help you to live more sustainably. For instance, luxury apartments are often designed with high-standard features to reduce energy consumption resulting in a reduced carbon footprint. Additionally, they are often located in central locations with access to amenities such as a fitness center, pool, and bar, meaning you can have everything nearby, eliminating the need to drive long distances.  Unsurprisingly, contemporary rental apartments like 2460 Terrapin are highly sought-after since they are in a pristine location and offer the right amenities to live comfortably. 

Explore all alternatives to fast-fashion

green fashion
Photo by Ksenia Chernaya

It is too simple to get carried away by the fast fashion trends. One fashion item could only last a minute before the next insta hashtag takes over. For example, despite recent increases in garment sales, a survey found that the average number of times apparel was worn had decreased by 36%. The trend was attributed to low prices and often inferior quality of fast fashion goods. Now should be a good time to take a break from fast fashion and commit to a no-spend month, limiting your spending to only the necessities. Doing this can help your savings effort and contribute to achieving your financial goals.

Even little changes can have a significant impact. Whether you can implement one or all four of these sustainability recommendations into your life, you’ll be helping to make the planet a better place. Why not become an icon of sustainability and explore ways to encourage the same in your community and your life?

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