
Photo by Jasmine Carter

How Do You Know If You Are Ready for Marriage?

Sometimes, we can find that there are parts of our lives that need fixing almost before we make some transition to the next stage. You might want to take care of your mental health better or have a higher-paid job, but something like being ready for marriage is not about the material things, but requires self-awareness, some introspection, and considering a number of different factors. How do we, as men, know if we are ready for marriage?

The Financial Factor

Financial responsibility is only one piece of the puzzle. You might be perusing the finest jewelry outlets for an engagement ring, but having a stable career or job that allows you to contribute to the household and work with your potential partner on financial planning is a solid foundation for a marriage. It’s not a dealbreaker, but a lot of couples argue about money and therefore it makes logical sense that if you want to avoid those conflicts, you need to address how financially responsible you really are.

You Recognize That It’s About Values

If there’s one mistake we can all make as young men, it’s that we feel instantly attracted to someone because we’ve got shared interests. Shared interests are only one component because while you may have things in common, can you actually build a life on having the same favorite musicians? These are things that can certainly result in conversation but not a lifetime of shared happiness. Values are the most important thing that a couple should have in equal measure. Hobbies are great, and interests are wonderful, and when you have similar visions and values for the future, you will instantly align with each other for the right reasons.

You Have a Genuine Desire to Share Your Life

Lots of people believe that a partner is the missing link and they want to get married because they think it will help them settle down. Having someone else in your life is not about what they can offer you, but about what you can offer each other. Deciding that you genuinely want to share your life with someone else is about finding someone that you can support, not just financially, but in terms of their dreams and goals. If you are not ready to support anybody apart from yourself, you may have a little bit of growing to do.

You’re Willing to Prioritize the Relationship

Life can be demanding whether it’s changes in career or personal pursuits, but when life doubles down on you and you’re still willing to prioritize the relationship, this can be a major sign that you are ready. Feeling secure and content with your partner is critical, and the strongest relationships are impervious to cracks in the foundation.

Being ready for something like this is not a one size fits all feeling. We should all take the time to reflect on aspects of our lives and communicate with our partner. Being ready for this is all predicated on a strong foundation, but ultimately a shared one.

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